Western medicine still has a habit of
putting emphasis on the woman in the partnership,
but as we all know it takes two to tango.
Our menfolk are very lucky to be able to create fresh sperm every day of their lives,
and from start to finish the creation of a sperm cell takes around 120 days.
In clinic, we will go into depth about your
semen analysis and will go through it with you.
Next is to put a plan in place.
I usually get my male patients to get a sperm test done,
book in with me either weekly or fortnightly and then retest in 4 months.
This gives us some time to also help with any unhelpful habits which have been
found to negatively effect sperm and its quality and quantity.
This might include help in giving up smoking,
staying within a healthy weight range, and calming stress.
If you would like to know more about male fertility and how
Chinese Medicine will help guide you, reach out
0439 841 413
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